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Photographe: Christiane Dietz

Västra Silen Fishing area

Fishing with a sense of wilderness

Lake Västra Silen is well-known sports fishing water and one of the largest lakes in the Dalsland Canal lake system. It is located between lakes Lelång and Östra Silen in northwestern Dalsland and southwestern Värmland. It is possible to take your boat from lakes Lelång and Östra Silen through the locks to Lake Västra Silen or to launch it at one of the many slipways on the lake. In all a very exciting lake for the sports fisherman.

Lake Västra Silen is a clear-water lake with both deep areas and some coves larger, shallower bays. Many of the shores consist of cliffs and mountains. In mid-lake, there is almost an archipelago feeling. The section is full of islands, islets and skerries, especially around Gustavsfors. The same is true further north near Årjäng. The Dalsland and Värmland provinces have an almost even segment of the lake. The thin settlement around the lake together with the forested, rocky shores lend a sense of wilderness. 
Lake Västra Silen is widest at its middle where the greatest depths are. The lake has a solid stock of primarily pike and perch. The chance of landing salmon and trout is also good, if that is your goal. This is truly a lake where you can stake out a favorite spot for whatever type of fishing.

Fishing Rules

Please check the updated fishing rules on the following website under "Fishing permit" and "View rules" Ifiske.se.

You can buy a fishing license here

Shop SE Skogstjänst: +46(0)531-619 84
Supermarkt Optimistens Lanthandel, Gustavsfors: Tel. +46 (0)531-20 021
Silverlake Canoeing, Bengtsfors: Tel. +46 (0)46-531-106 40, +46(0)531-121 73
Bensinstation Statoil, Bengtsfors: Tel. +46 (0)46-531-71991
Gunnel Andrée, Vammerviken: Tel. +46 (0)531-201 07


  • Day: 60 kr
  • Week: 200 kr
  • Year: 300 kr
  • Trolling day: 200 kr
  • Trolling week: 500 kr
  • Trolling year: 1.000 kr
Informations relatives au contact

Bengtsfors kommun

66630 Bengtsfors

Téléphone: +46 531 52 63 55

E-mail: turist@bengtsfors.se

Site web: Vers la page d'accueil