Södra Lelång Fishing area
Lake Lelång is part of the Dalsland Canal system and one of the largest lakes in the whole area. The southern part of the lake reaches the Värmland province border and the part to the north of this border calls for a separate fishing licence. Several streams empty into the lake, including the Greaströmmen and Blomälven rivers. Much of the shoreline is barren and mountainous. These sections are not only a pleasure to look at. They are exciting fishing sites.
Lake Lelång is a clear lake and its deepest parts are in the middle just south of Gustavsfors. The deepest point reaches 61 metres. Most of the shoreline is rocky, offering a barren wilderness character comprising forest, mountain and beautiful nature. The Skarsdalsbergen Nature Preserve is on the east side some kilometres north of Bengtsfors. The east side north of Kråkviken presents steep mountains and cliffs rushing into the water.
Trolling, spin-fishing, coarse fishing and different kinds of ice-fishing. Lake Lelång is relatively deep and derives its character from the rift valleys that shape the entire area. The water is clear and though there is some salmon and trout, it is sports fishing for large pike and perch that excels. Because of the species variety, visitors come to the lake almost the entire period when it’s ice-free. It seldom ices over until well into December and by mid-April the ice is breaking up. Fishing in Lake Lelång calls for a motorboat. Trolling for pelagic pike can be good throughout the period May to the end of October. Spin-fishing works well in the reed coves, while fishing for perch near reefs above the surface and brushwood sheaves is best during the summer from mid-June to the end of August.
For more information check website www.lelang.se.
- Including: Södra Lelång (map), Sillesjö/Sillebäcken, Ampetjärn/Ampetjärnsbäcken, Dammtjärn/Dammtjärnsbäcken, Flatetjärnet/Flatetjärnsbäcken, Käretjärnet/Käretjärnsbäcken.
- Area: 261 ha
- Species: perch, pike, lion, eel, braxen, sarv, lion, wetter roe, gullspångslax, trout, elritsa, goose, stone and horns, and other minor species.
- The limit is 2 rods/licence on a regular fishing licence, 4 on a trolling licence, max 8 rods per boat.
- Minimum size for salmon, brown trout and char is 60 cm.
- You may not enter cultivated land, nor trespass on private lots or fenced areas.
- There is no fee if you are under 16 years.
- Boat ramp: Sågudden Bengtsfors: 59° 1'48.69"N / 12°13'35.33"O; Greanströmmen: 59° 2'28.40"N / 12°10'54.80"O; Torrskogs Guest Harbour: 59°10'16.39"N / 12° 4'32.64"O; Gustavsfors: 59°11'36.70"N / 12° 6'24.96"O.
You can buy a fishing license here
- Day 60 SEK
- Week 120 SEK
- Year 250 SEK
- Trolling: day 180 SEK, week 350 SEK, year 600 SEK. Not more than 4 baits per boat.
- Children up 16 years fish for free.
Bengtsfors kommun
666 30 Bengtsfors
Téléphone: +46 531 52 63 55
E-mail: turist@bengtsfors.se
Site web: lelang.se