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Photographe: Emma Augustsson

Fröskog Church

Peasant baroque

As early as 1200´s there was a church in Fröskog. This first church was made of wood. The new one was opened in the 1730's and is also made with wood. Its atmospheric interior is a brilliant example of true peasant baroque. All details correspond to the Baroque style ideal: splendor, color lance, weight and movement.


The interior is very beautiful and you will find decorative paintings in the ceiling. It was painted by Hand Georg Schüffner in 1739. The church's oldest object is the crucifix from the 13th century.

Guided tour

In the summer the church is open to visitors. Press the button and you get an audio-guided tour through the church in Swedish, English or German.

Informations relatives au contact

Fröskogs och Edslskogs Församling


66295 Fengersfors

Téléphone: +46 0532607880

E-mail: Envoyer un e-mail

Site web: svenskakyrkan.se/amal