Ånimmen FVO
The deep and clear Ånimmen is an oblong lake near Lake Vänern. Here you will find opportunities for swimming, canoeing, sailing and fishing. Around the lake there are several protected natural areas with hiking trails and botanical sights.
About the lake
The lake is connected with other parts of the Dalsland canal through Snäcke lock in the South. In the northern part of the lake there is a lock that leads on to Lake Ärr. The river is 12 kilometers long and the lake's deepest area is 33 meters below.
Area: Lake Ånimmen, 1600 hectars
Fish Species: Ånimmen has a diverse fish stock. Perch, pike, eel, burbot, bream and roach are some of the naturally occurring fish. They put out salmon, trout and char in the lake regularly, recently mostly char.
- Day: 100:-
- Week: 150:-
- Half-year: 200:-
- Full year: 300:- (date to date)
- Family Card year: 350:-
- Trolling Day card: 150:- per person
- Trolling Annual Card: 350:- per person
Free fishing for youth under 16 years.
Where to buy a fishing license
- Tourist Office in Åmål 0532-170 98
- Ingvar Bäckström, Bolet 0532-252 09
You can also by your fishinglicens online at: www.ifiske.se
Fishing regulations
Fishing applies only to lure fishing such as fishing rod, spinning rod fishing, ice fishing, angling and trolling. Minimum size of salmon and trout is 60 cm and char 45 cm. Maximum 3 fish per license and day. Number of rod /lures for trolling is 6/boat. You are not allowed to fish Crayfish in the lake.
For fishing in Ånimmen fishing license is required.
You find a boat ramp for small boats at Lunnevika on the east bank, about 4 km south of Ånimskogs church.
There is a prospect with a map, look at it online here!
Ånimmens Fiskevårdsområde
66297 Ånimskog
Téléphone: +46 53217098
E-mail: turism@amal.se
Site web: animmen.net