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Photographer: Roger Borgelid

Outdoor Life

Through outdoor life, we gain an increased understanding of nature and the environment while also improving our well-being. Essunga offers excellent opportunities for active outdoor activities with hiking trails, outdoor gyms, trails, and bathing facilities.

Sweden's outdoor life, with its long tradition and unique opportunities, is something we should be proud of and cherish. Outdoor life is very valuable for both Sweden and society as well as for the individual.

Outdoor Life in Essunga-Nossebro

Essunga municipality has very good conditions for outdoor life, including rich and unique natural and cultural environments. There are hiking trails, paths, and outdoor gyms for various activities, and for children, there are many playgrounds.

Health Path – a walk for a healthy life
Cultural Walk - an educational walking trail
Pilgrimage Trail Lödöse-Skara
Stallaholm activity area
Cycling and hiking in Essunga
Paddling in Nossan
Fishing in Nossan
Hiking trails in Främmestad
Hiking trails Högaberget
Swimming & working out in Nossebro

The right of public access

The right of public access is a right for all people to travel over private land in nature, to temporarily stay there, and for example, pick berries, mushrooms, and certain other plants. But with the right comes, of course, requirements for consideration and care for nature and wildlife, landowners, and other people. Read more at: www.allemansratten.se

Nature combined with physical activity

Nature stay has several positive health effects as it provides opportunities for physical activity, relaxation, recreation, and recovery. Research shows that exercise and nature stay reduce stress-related problems and protect against future stress.