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Local flights traveling to and from Trollhättan-Vänersborg Airport

Västflyg values your time and works to make your travel both time efficient and easy. At present, the route between Trollhättan-Vänersborgs Airport and Bromma in Stockholm is operated. A flight that only takes 55 minutes.

You only need to be there 15 minutes before departure. It takes ten minutes' drive from central Trollhättan to the airport, where the free car and bicycle parking are available and electric car chargers directly adjacent to the departure hall.

Västflyg started in March 2022 and is a locally rooted airline. Taking into consideration the customers, the market and the environment, a Saab 340 aircraft with local crew and the room for 34 passengers is used. A smaller aircraft model means that fuel consumption is reduced and thus produces lower emissions.

Västflyg offers a total of 24 departures a week. 12 from the respective destination. It is very easy to book tickets from Trollhättan-Vänersborg to Bromma and back on the airline’s website www.vastflyg.se

Contact information

Västflyg AB

Trollhättan-Vänersborgs flygplats

Phone: +46 520 82 500

E-mail: info@vastflyg.se

Website: vastflyg.se/