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Photographer: Sören Kaas Claesson

Nordic Song Festival

The festival presents a great variety of the Nordic song treasure

Programs in Trollhättan, Vänersborg and Uddevalla

The Nordic Song Festival aims to expand the festival to include all the Nordic countries. In the autumn of 2014, the non-profit association for the festival was formed, with a board consisting of important bransch capacities from Denmark, Norway and Sweden, as well as representatives from widely differing sides of business and cultural life. The Board is actively working on a number of measures to establish  Nordic Song Festival both as a movement and a brand, in order to attract and retain investors, and to become a key knowledge and development center for Nordic songs treasures.

Initiator and artistic director of the Nordic Song Festival is the Swedish-Danish soprano Gitta-Maria Sjöberg, who has and has had an impressive career at the Opera in Copenhagen and on the international opera stage. Throughout her life, Gitta-Maria has had a passion for the Nordic song and has developed both the visions and artistic content of the festival.

Gitta-Maria Sjöberg
Artistic director and festival founder

Contact information

Nordic Song Festival

46130 Trollhättan

Phone: +46

E-mail: Send e-mail

Website: To homepage