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Culture Park Restad Gård

A travel in time

Restad Gård is a place with very old origins. From the 1590s until the middle of the 18th century, Restad was a manor house. After that, the farm served as a summer residence for a total of about ten governors.

In 1905, a new chapter in Restad's history began. Then Vänersborg's hospital and asylum was inaugurated. After the hospital was closed down, Restad Gård lives on as a place for work as well as living and relaxation.

The architect Axel Kumlien was one of the most employed when it came to hospital construction in the country. Of the institutions that were added between 1880 and around 1910, more than half were designed by him. His first requirement when it came to the design of the buildings was that they should be practical and hygienic, then came the economic aspects, and then the dignity and beauty of the building. Floor plans and building design therefore came to be given relatively great importance and the facades were given a dignified and stately expression.

Preservation of historic environments
In terms of cultural history, today, great importance is placed on preserving collective environments where buildings and surrounding environmental components form an inseparable, coherent environment and thus can tell about past business life, social conditions, working environment, building condition, aesthetic ideals, etc.

Restad Gård is an area with rich cultural history and buildings that hide many stories. Walk around the area and read and learn about the different buildings - brochures are available to pick up at our tourist offices or to read online at Visit Restad (swedish only).

The area is also home to the well-visited Sculpture Park as well as the popular Activity Park. Restad Gård thus has something for everyone.

Contact information

Kulturparken Restad Gård

Dr Hehrnes väg 1

462 54 Vänersborg

Phone: +46 521 699 65

E-mail: boka@hotellhehrne.se

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