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Active Öresjö

Trail running - Events - Running groups

"Active Öresjö" organizes training sessions with the aim of inspiring people to go running in the forest. We run and bike through the woods, host the Edsvidsleden Trailrun and other running events, and manage the Team Nordic Trail Trollhättan. Founder of Trollhättan City Trail.

Edsvidsleden Trailrun

The Edsvids Trail is a highly popular hiking trail of approximately 14 km that runs along the western side of Trollhättan, following both the Göta River and through the Åkerssjö Nature Reserve. Here, you'll find beautiful paths that lead to scenic viewpoints, cozy spots for refreshments, and wonderful nature.

The Edsvids Trail isn't only favored by hikers but also by trail runners. Several different training events are organized here throughout the year. The Edsvids Trailrun is the most popular among the races that take place around the Edsvids Trail and is held on the third Sunday of March every year. Registration for this race usually opens early, so check our website for more information.

You can read more about the trail on this site. 

Team Nordic Trail Trollhättan

We lead a running group with a focus on trail running in collaboration with Team Nordic Trail - Team Nordic Trail Trollhättan. We offer training sessions at various levels, allowing everyone to come and train with us, regardless of experience and fitness level. As a member, you gain access to scheduled training sessions every week, group activities, and much more.

Aktiv Öresjö was founded in 2006 by Janne Aronsson and Martin Länje Temmes.

Contact information

Aktiv Öresjö


Phone: +46709283872

E-mail: info@aktivoresjo.se

Website: aktivoresjo.se