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Welcome to Trollfest in central Trollhättan

Experience a Trollfest in central Trollhättan with market, activities, a children's flea market and special offers throughout the city this Saturday. You'll also encounter playful trolls roaming around.

Leading up to Trollfest, on Thursday and Friday, several of the shops in central Trollhättan has special offers with discounted prices to visitors. 

Program Saturday 

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Flea market at Folkets Hus

11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Market and activities in the square
We're gathering vendors in the square along with various activities for you and your kids to enjoy.

1:00 PM Autumn fashion show
An enchanting autumn inspires the fashion show held in the staircase of Odenhuset


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City Trollhättan

City Trollhättan skall förena allmänna och kommersiella intressen för en långsiktig och hållbar utveckling av Trollhättans stadskärna. De verkar för ett kommersiellt, socialt och kulturellt attraktivt centrum som bidrar till att öka Trollhättans attraktivitet som boende-, utbildnings- och etableringsort.

Läs mer
Contact information

City Trollhättan

Strandgatan 29

461 30 Trollhättan

Phone: +46 733 71 21 02

E-mail: hej@citytrollhattan.se

Website: citytrollhattan.se/