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TrollCon 2024

Nerdy Convention at N3 in Trollhättan

We're thrilled to finally announce the dates for TrollCon 2024, and this year we're going BIG with TWO WHOLE DAYS! That's right, a full weekend of nerdy fun at N3 in Trollhättan. Get ready for:

  • Cosplay competition and showcase
  • Esports and card game tournaments
  • Lectures and workshops
  • Music performances by Octolab and Vogon Poetry
  • Karaoke
  • K-Pop dance-off
  • Exhibitors and vendors
  • Game developers
  • And much more!

As always, TrollCon will have FREE ENTRY.

Dates: Saturday, September 28 - Sunday, September 29
Hours: Saturday 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM and Sunday 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: N3, Trollhättan

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N3 - Meeting place for young culture

N3 is a meeting place for young culture where you can realize your dreams and create your own future.

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Contact information

N3 - Mötesplats för ung kultur

Nohabgatan 15

46153 Trollhättan

Phone: +46 520 49 66 12

E-mail: n3@trollhattan.se

Website: n3trollhattan.se/