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Vin och goa grejer
Limhall, Tjörn

Flourishing garden and farm shop

Experience the epitome of nature's beauty at the Flower Garden, where flowers, ice cream, and delicacies come together in a harmonious symphony of delights. Nestled within this enchanting garden, you'll find yourself captivated by a mesmerizing array of vibrant blooms, creating an ever-changing canvas of colors and fragrances that evolve with the passing of time.

Step into a world of natural wonder at the Flower Garden. This idyllic spot is home to a captivating array of flowers and vegetables that change their attire with the seasons. As you wander through the garden, you'll find yourself immersed in a tapestry of colors and scents that evolve throughout the year.

Venture into the greenhouse, where the magic of cultivation unfolds. Here, they nurture a wide range of plants, cuttings, and a bounty of vegetables that you can even take home with you. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting, you'll find inspiration in every leaf and petal.

The small shop tucked away in this floral oasis is a treasure trove of delights. Discover homemade jams and preserves that shift in harmony with the seasons. Explore the selection of directly imported Italian delicacies, from the rich depths of Parmesan cheese to the finest oils and vinegars. It's a food lover's paradise and a feast for the senses.

Now, picture yourself in the heart of this flourishing garden. Take a moment to relax and unwind amidst this lush paradise. Indulge in scoops of delectable ice cream, savor the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and sip on refreshing drinks. All this while you're surrounded by the vibrant, ever-changing beauty of the blooming garden. It's an experience that soothes the soul and invigorates the spirit.






Contact information

Vin & Goa grejer

Limhall 16

47190 Kyrkesund

Phone: +46 70 595 71 01

E-mail: Send e-mail

Website: andersnorrman.com