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Falks grav

Falk's Mysterious Grave with Fresh Flowers

Falk's mysterious grave, located in Hökensås, evokes many emotions. It is said that fresh flowers are always found here. Is that true?

Falk's Grave

Falk's grave is situated in the sparse pine forest of Hökensås. During the summer, fresh flowers can always be seen at the grave. No one knows who places the flowers there, but legends circulate among the locals. Here in the desolate area of Svedmon, there used to be the old execution site of the district. The first and last time it was used was in 1855 when the highwayman Jonas Falk was executed and buried here.


Highwayman Jonas Falk

Jonas Falk got into trouble with the law early in life. After trying his luck in Stockholm, he returned to his hometown with the intention of robbing the postal carriage traveling between Jönköping and Sandhem. Falk and his stepfather and accomplice, Anders Frid, lay in ambush one dark autumn night on the road between Broholm and Sibbarp post station in Sandhem.
When the carriage arrived, Falk shot the postman with his rifle, and Frid attacked the coachman with a club. The robbers got away with 2,000 Swedish krona and hurried back to Stockholm.
However, they were already wanted, and during questioning, it was revealed that Falk and Frid were the highwaymen from Sandhem. Since the postman had died from his injuries, a harsh sentence was passed, condemning both men to lose their lives through beheading.
Following a plea for clemency from Frid, his death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.
Falk refused to seek clemency and was executed and buried at Svedmon in Hökensås in 1855.

Contact information

Falks grav

Svedmon Hökensås

522 91 Tidaholm

Phone: +46 502 60 62 08

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