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Since the 1600s Tanumshede has been a gathering place for the people of Tanum inland. Here was the old tingstead, and the courthouse was built in the late 1700s.

The entire old city of Tanumshede is today knows as heritage. The courthouse was loacted here already by the time of the Danish people, with their dungeons. It also served as district and city courts until 1918.

The Parish storehouse was built in 1869 after a number of crop failure and came to be used as a lifeline for farmers with bad harvests and lack of finances.

Tanum Gestgifveri, the well-known inn has centuries-old roots. Björn in Hee got the first state in 1663. Since then, the movement has been driven continuously. The courthouse with stables, Gestgifveriet and parish storehouse is landmarked and is part of the so-called cultural triangle, which is protected by legislation.

Tanum is known for its many rock carvings and ancient monuments. Just outside Tanumshede is Vitlycke museum, an information center in the middle of Tanum World Heritage area, and next to the famous Vitlycke rock. At the museum, visitors are met by exhibitions of rock carvings and the Bronze Age, the period of time they were created for. In addition to exhibitions, artefacts and rock carvings are also a Bronze Age farm. During summer the farm comes to life when sheep, pigs and oxen move in.

During the latter half of 1900s, Tanumshede have evolved to the municipal seat of the municipal administration, the Culture house Futura with library and theater, secondary school, medical center, employment, social insurance and a well-developed supply chain.

Since November 2014, there is now also a new and unique shopping mall in Tanumshede, Tanumshede Shopping Centre. The Center places great importance on the well-being of the customers. Therefore, additional focus has been placed on the center should have a large and varied selection of restaurants and cafes in a pleasant environment. The center also has a wide selection of stores in fashion and interior. With its location right next to the E6 and with great parking, the center is easily accessible and convenient.


Contact information

Tanum Turist

45781 Tanumshede

Phone: +46 525 61188

E-mail: kommun@tanum.se

Website: bohuslan.com/tanum