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Remember September

Discover the Late Summer Magic in Southern Bohuslän,

September Roadtrip

Join us for a roadtrip featuring the sea, art, food, and stunning sights. Late summer is the ideal time for a journey through quaint coastal communities, offering ocean-fresh cuisine, and world-class art and culture.

Our Top Islands for Hiking Adventures

Discover the Bohuslän coast at your own pace, exploring its most scenic islands. Wander peacefully through car-free environments, where the only sounds you'll hear are the melodies of seabirds and the gentle rustle of wind-swept foliage. Revel in the tranquillity of nature as you take in panoramic views, with the salty breeze as your constant companion. Whether you're an experienced hiker or new to the game, these islands offer diverse trails that cater to all levels. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Bohuslän as you trek through rugged landscapes and idyllic scenery that will leave you yearning for more.