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Photographer: Anders Jonsson

Tant Rut Café & Bistro

Cozy café & bistro with a diverse selection

In a relaxed and cozy environment at Tant Rut Café & Bistro, you can enjoy a delicious breakfast, lunch, or coffee break.

Here, you have the opportunity to sit down, leave the everyday stress behind, and savor a good cup of coffee, some pastries, or a meal in a pleasant and laid-back atmosphere. Start your day with a delightful breakfast menu served daily. The lunch menu is available from Monday to Friday, and in the evenings and on weekends, you can also enjoy pizza and treat yourself to something extra special to drink, such as wine or beer.

The pastry menu offers a varied selection of homemade treats depending on the season, but there are always some classics available, as well as organic and fairtraid coffee.



Photographer: Anders Jonsson


Contact information

Tant Rut Café & Bistro

Älvbacken 10

442 47 Kungälv

Phone: +46 303 144 10

E-mail: info@cafetantrut.com

Website: cafetantrut.com