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Photographer: Måretn Bergkvist/Next Skövde

Stora Rör Tumulus
Tidan, Skövde

Fascinating Bronze Age grave

The area outside Skövde around Lake Östen bears traces of human habitation dating back thousands of years. There are fascinating remains to explore around the lake, including the Stora Rör Tumulus.

A fascinating Bronze Age grave

Stora Rör is a fascinating Bronze Age grave, possibly containing the remains of a powerful chief in a stone chamber grave. The tumulus is approximately 29 metres in diameter and 3.5 metres high, and is surrounded by a stone brim or anklet made from large stones, within which the tumulus was then built up.

One of many historic sites

A tumulus is an ancient grave built in the form of a stone cairn. These cairns are not covered with peat, sand or earth, but often have a natural covering of moss. However, the grave at Stora Rör does not have a moss covering. Stora Rör is on the beautiful Skaraborg Culture Route, and is one of many fascinating historic sites in the area surrounding Skövde.

Stora Rör Tumulus is on Skaraborg Culture Route. Discover more sights along Skaraborg Culture Route by downloading the app from Google Play or the AppStore.


Contact information

Next Skövde

Stationsgatan 3B, Regionens Hus

54130 Skövde

Phone: +46 500 446688

E-mail: info@nextskovde.se

Website: nextskovde.se