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Fantastic road cycling routes in West Sweden


Road cycling in West Sweden offers quiet roads with good surfaces and little traffic. Wide flat plains combined with elevated plateaus and steep climbs make for a varied and challenging cycling experience.


Well known cycling areas around Vårgårda and Alingsås

There is a strong cycling tradition on the roads of West Sweden, especially in the area around Vårgårda, about an hour north east of Gothenburg. Maybe you have heard of the Fåglum brothers who put the small town of Vårgårda on the international cycling map in the 60s and 70s. Together, the four brothers, Styre, Gösta, Erik and Thomas, took home World Cup and Olympic medals. At the museum ’Dessa fantastika Fåglum’ (The Fantastic Fåglums) you can indulge in some wonderful sports nostalgia about how the Fåglum brothers conquered the cycling world. 

The women’s elite gather in Vårgårda

Every year, Vårgårda is host to two competitions in the UCI Womens World Tour where the world elite in women’s cycling come to participate.  If you find yourself in West Sweden during the competition it is well worth a visit to Vårgårda where there is usually a lively festival atmosphere! In connection with the World Cup there is also the open race Velofondo where everyone can participate; women, men, beginners and experienced cyclists.  

Falköping has become a cycling hub

Besides Vårgårda, Falköping has also emerged as real cycling destination, especially when it comes to road cycling and mountain biking. Falköping and its neighbouring communities consist of an open agricultural landscape crisscrossed with a rich network of small country roads. In other words, it’s made for road cycling.

Pretty country roads around Ulricehamn

Ulricehamn has long been known as a real sports town where there are, among other things, some of southern Sweden's best facilities for downhill and cross-country skiing. Several popular cycle paths for recreational cycling also run through the area, such as the Ätradalsleden and Sjuhäradsrundan.

When road cycling around Ulricehamn, you get to enjoy charming country roads with relatively little traffic, rolling landscapes, forests and a lot of challenging climbs.

  • Tip! Here’s a suggestion for a delightful road route in the area. You will get comfortable accommodation at bicycle-friendly Hotell Bogesund.

Show respect for nature and other road users

Get out and enjoy the West Swedish cycle routes, but remember to always wear a helmet and to have a repair kit with you in case you get a puncture. Show respect for pedestrians, motorists and other cyclists - you are not alone on the roads. And protect nature by picking up rubbish from energy bars and the like. Thanks!