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Nature experiences

Explore the nature in West Sweden

If you're looking for exciting nature experiences, West Sweden is the right place. You have Dalsland - the wilderness region closest to central Europe, the unique Bohuslän archipelago with its beautiful smooth granite shoreline against the open horizon, and the scenic plains, hills and forests of Västergötland.

Welcome to Dalsland – Sweden’s gravel destination

In the beautiful region of Dalsland, in West Sweden, you’ll find mile after mile of winding gravel roads which makes the area ideal for gravel cycling. And lots of great food places make it easy to combine your cycle tour with a pitstop.

National Parks

There are four National Parks in West Sweden: Tresticklan, Kosterhavet, Tiveden and Djurö. Each has a very different character but what connects them all is that they offer epic nature experiences.

More than 500 nature reserves

In addition to the large national parks, there are around 500 nature reserves with beautiful scenery in Västra Götaland. You can read more about some of them below.

Experiences in West Sweden

Explore the west coast by boat

It’s easy to get out to the thousands of islands in the Bohuslän archipelago with the help of local ferry and boat companies. You’ll find tips here on how to find your own favourite spot on the west coast – from the Kosterhavet sea in the north, to Gothenburg’s archipelago in the south.