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Photographer: Patrik Andersson

Mölndal City Museum

A modern cultural history museum in Mölndals Kvarnby

Mölndal City Museum is a cultural history museum situated next to the rapids in the old industrial area of Kvarnbyn. It’s only a 15 minute walk from Mölndal city centre, which you can easily reach by bus, train or tram from Gothenburg.


Exhibitions to explore together

The award-winning Mölndal City Museum lies next to the rapids in the exciting cultural centre of Kvarnbyn. There are permanent and temporary exhibitions with topical, interesting themes that are instantly recognized. The exhibitions always have lots of things for children and adults to discover together.

The "Open storeroom” has a wonderful mix of nostalgic everyday objects with photos, stories and questions to arouse your curiosity. Exhibits are on show without the usual glass cabinets and you are free to feel, listen, smell and try out the various items. The "Luxury from Lindome" exhibition has chairs and furniture from the 18th to the 20th century and you can learn all about the crafts involved and fetch inspiration from old chairs covered in modern materials. As well as the permanent exhibitions, the museum always has a temporary exhibition with a topical and important theme.

Children try out fashion clothing at Mölndals Stadsmuseum.

Photographer: Lina Ikse

The museum, located in what was once a factory for manufacturing stockings, has a green museum shop and you can buy lunch or light refreshments in Forscaféet. There is free admission to the museum and it is open around the year.

Contact information

Mölndals stadsmuseum

Kvarnbygatan 12

43134 Mölndal

Phone: +46 031 315 16 50

E-mail: museum@molndal.se

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