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Åklång fishing area

Information about fishing in Lake Åklång FVO

Fishing in lake Åklång!

Åklång's fishing area includes: Åklång, Lillesjön, Glycksjön and Glycksjö ände.
Area: 160 ha. Here you will find lamprey, eel, trout, whitefish, cyclone, nors, pike, ablet, bream, roach, minnow, rudd, burbot, sculpin, ruffe and perch. Fishing in Åklång requires a fishing license. 

You can buy your fishing license at:

Coop Åsensbruk
Storvägen 32
464 40  Åsensbruk

Day: 40 SEK
Month: 60 SEK
Year: 100 SEK
Family: 200 SEK / calendar year

Karl-Erik Dahl +46 70-7185069

Contact information

Åklångs Fiskevårdsområde


Phone: +4670 7185069