Dinners Mellerud
At Dinners you can eat at the restaurant/café, visit the pub or get a good night's sleep at the pleasant hotel.
Stay in Mellerud close to Lake Vänern
At the hotel you can choose between two categories of rooms. Either an ordinary room that belongs to the Sweden Hotel chain and is three-star superior classed with its own shower and toilet, cable TV, kettle with coffee and tea and with high-class beds.
All our rooms are non-smoking, and the breakfast buffet is served in the Winter Garden.
The hotel also has rooms where you can bring your pet.
Breakfast - Café - Restaurant in the middle of Mellerud
Start the day with a classic breakfast buffet between 6.30 - 10.
Monday to Friday a lunch buffet at 11:30 - 15:00 where bread, salad, main course buffet, water, dessert and coffee in included!
The cafe is also available with homemade treats.
Dinners Mellerud
Tingshusgatan 1
46431 Mellerud
Phone: +4653012664
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