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Blomstervägen - biking tour

Biking tour in Sjötorp

Blomstervägen ("the flower road") is a cycle tour that start and ends in Sjötorp. Experience beautiful nature on this bike ride.

With Sjötorp as a starting point, you can do a bike ride in beautiful nature. Choose between 22 and 28 kilometers. The tour mostly goes on regular (smaller) roads with car traffic. A map of the tour can be downloaded here on the page.

Download the map of the trail here!

If you do not have your own bike with you, you can rent one at Sjötorps Cykeluthyrning (bike rental).

Sjötorp is where Göta Canal starts that also offers a lovely trail for cycling.

Contact information

Sjötorps Bygdegårdsförening

Kyrkvägen 19

540 66 Sjötorp

Phone: +46 70 65 459 65

E-mail: bisv@tele2.se

Website: sjotorp.se/