Grude church
Next to road 183 in Grude is this fine church. The church probably began to be built as early as the 1300s. A nice little church, worth a visit.
The white stone church with the blunt tower in Grude probably began to be built in the 1300 century. Then it was built as a small square stone house.
In 1688 the church was extended by 7½ meters to the east and two larger windows were opened to the south. There were also timber houses and a small sacristy in oak. In the cemetery a belfry was erected, with a small bell in.
1891-1892 an extensive renovation was done where among other things it was built on the sacristy that exists today and so the blunt tower with the armory was erected at the bottom. It was initially thought that the tower would be much taller and more peaked, but probably the money ran out before the tower was completed and instead got the unique shape that the tower has today.
In the armory there is fitting enough a guard. It hangs there in memory of a quartermaster Björnberg from Ljung's village.
In the staircase to the organ stand hangs a beautiful wooden chandelier from 1817. The organ was built by Tostared's church organ factory in 1968 and it comprises nine parts. The baptismal font is from the Middle Ages and belongs to the original inventory in the church. The altarpiece dates from 1927 and depicts Mary and John at the foot of the cross of Jesus.