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Photographer: B. Saunders

Trail Kärringleden
Eggvena, Herrljunga

Experience a walk around the lake Jämnesjön

Hike this 3,5 km walk around the lake Jämnesjön. Discover enchanted forests and views over the lake.

Quick facts

Length: approx. 3,5 km

Difficulty: Moderate

Terrain: Slightly hilly terrain along forest paths and small gravel road around the lake

Timing: approx. 45min - 1 hour

Nice walk arounde the lake Jämnesjön

A hiking and recreation area rich in nature experiences.

The area around the lake is a popular recreation area, hear you can meet hikers, runners, dogwalkers and people that just come to the area for to relax and barbecue by the lake.

The name Kärringleden comes from putting together the name kär-ring -leden = Kärringleden.
In english meaning "A dear circular trail".
Trailmarking is a red painted foot painted mostly 
on trees around the lake Jämnesjön.

Resting areas and bathing areas and dry toilets

During the hike on the northern part of the lake, the trail offers several nice rest areas, where you can settle down on naturally fine rocks next to the lake.

At Eggvena bathing place there is a parking lot, dry dock, barbecue area and opportunities for swimming, a jetty is on site in summer, along the nice stone slab.

On the eastern side of the lake can be reached by car from Bitterna. There it is a swimming area with jetty, changing room, sauna, barbecue area and dry toilet.

Fact about the trail


approx. 3,5 km

Approximate times:

45- 1 hour walk


Red marker, drawn as a foot

Level of difficulty:

Moderate. Slightly hilly walking. The terrain varies between narrow forest paths and gravel roads.

Start and end:

By the Bathing and restingarea, west side of the lake Jämnesjön called Eggvena.

Of course you can use the map to find and alternative starting point from the other side of the lake (Bitterna) It is a circular walk.


Hear you find a map that you can print out and that shows the trail around the lake.

Map for printing/download

Contact information

Kärringleden - Equmeniakyrkan Eggvena

Jämnesjön, Eggvena


Phone: +46 0705 28 13 22

E-mail: Send e-mail

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