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Ättehögskullen & Håvesten

Unique burial field dated to the Early Iron Age

Ättehögskullen is a unique burial ground from the time around the Migration Period, with its stone ring and the large, raised stones. The site was discovered as early as 1843. Today, cars pass by on the way between Färgelanda and Uddevalla - why not turn off the road and take a closer look at the old graves?

Grave field is dated to the Early Iron Age and consists of ten burial mounds, two long mounds, six round stone placements, a ring and three raised stones. The large judge's ring consists of nine boulders and is 14 meters in diameter. One of the raised stones is called the Håvestenen and is just under four meters high. The largest mound is 16 meters in diameter and 1.4 meters high. From Ättekullshögen you have an extensive view of Valbodalen.


Ättehögskullen is located just south of Färgelanda, on the east side of road 172. The place is signed from the main road and easily visible. Free parking is available.

Contact information

Södra Valbo Hembygdsförening


Phone: +46