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Photographer: Gaby Karlsson Hain, Dalslands Turist AB

Road Ferry Sund-Jaren

Connecting Sund och Jaren at Lake Stora Le

The road ferry, operating the route today started in 1972 and is free of charge. Sund-Jarenleden runs between Sund and Jaren in Lake Stora Le in Dalsland. The ferry length is 900 meters and the crossing time is ten minutes.

Sund Jaren road ferry

The feryy between Sund-Jaren take you over the lake Stora Le between Sund in Nössemark och Jaren in Bengtsfors in Dalsland.
Length: 900 meters
Crossing time: 10 min
Price: The road ferry is free of charge.

Schedul in Swedish

Sund-Jaren is an important connection, not only for the timber industry, transporting wood from the surrounding forests but also for the residents. The closeness to the border with Norway also plays a major role. For those who choose alternative roads, the journey will be 7.5 miles longer. Since the end of the 19th century, there have been transports over the trail in organized form. The ferry cottage was built in 1890 and a fixed tour list was introduced in 1940.

 The first motorized ferry arrived at Sund - Jaren in the 1920s and the ferry that today operates the trail started in 1972.

The traffic is intensive during the summer and the surrounding nature is magnificent. The possibilities for hunting, fishing and hiking in the nature reserve are utilized and appreciated by many tourists.


Contact information

Trafikverket Färjerederiet

66891 Nössemark

Phone: +46 771 656 565

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