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Bathing place Sjöluckan

Beach at the lake Marsjön

Bathing place in Bäckefors at beautiful Marsjön.

The bathing place is located at the beautiful lake Marsjön in Bäckefors. There is a small path, known as the "love path" that runs from Bäckefors old industriel area to the lake, almost all the way to the bathing area.

At the bathing place Sjöluckan at the lake Marsjön there are:

  • Jetty
  • Diving tower
  • Waste bin
  • Changing room
  • Toilet (dass)
Contact information

Badplats Sjöluckan


Phone: +46 531 52 63 54

E-mail: turist@bengtsfors.se

Website: bengtsfors.se