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Photographer: Åsa Carlsson

The trail of Sandviken

Mountainbike 22,4 km

An easy to ride mountainbike trail, mostly on gravel roads, that will take you through varied surroundings. Open landscapes, forests, lakes and nice places to make a stop. In Sandviken we recommend a swim in the Lake Nedre Kalven.

From the starting point at Hanebol's outdoor recreation center, follow the bicycle road over E45 past Kristinebergsskolan and then take the bicycle road north towards Säffle.

A hilly dirt road

At Kasenberg you leave the bicycle road and the trail turns towards Segersbyn. The trail continues on a hilly dirt road that passes through small woodlands and a more open farmland. After about 6 km, just before reaching road 2257 towards Svaneholm, turn right and follow a small tractor road for about 500 m, before you cross road 2257 and the trail continues towards Persbyn and Sandviken.

Why not go for a swim?

Now you reach a 4 km long forest road where you keep left at all crossroads. The road arrives at Lake Nedre Kalven and Sandviken. Sandviken is a perfect place to take a swim in the lake. 300m after Sandviken, the trail turns to the left and you will immediately see Forsbacka Golf Club on the right side.

Beware of horses!

After 2 km, the trail leads to road 2257, here you keep right and after about 200 m you turn onto the gravel road that passes a pond on the way towards Korsbyn. Note! - There may be horses on this road. Be careful! After about 2 km, turn left towards Sköllerud and then follow Storspåret back to Hanebol.

Time: 1,5 – 2,5 hours
Road surface: Asphalt 4.5 km, gravel road 17.5 km
Equipment/bike required: Mountainbike
Traffic: Mostly gravel or forest road with limited traffic
Start & Finish: Hanebol outdoor recreation center
Marking: No markings/signs

GPS: Down load the GPS map on www.amal.se

A map of the trail (the information on the map is in Swedish)

Contact information

Åmåls Turistbyrå

Hamngatan 3


Phone: +46 053217098

E-mail: turism@amal.se