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Outdoor activities in Essunga and Nossebro

At the moment, nature is one of the best places to visit, offering plenty of possibilities for recreation and exercise. Pack the cookies, dress warmly and get out to forest and land, better yet, get dressed for exercise and enjoy an outdoor workout?

Stallaholm's activity territory Is the perfect destination for you who look to exercise outdoors. Here you will find outdoor gym, obstacle course, barbeque- and seats. Additionally, there is wi-fi and multiple charging stations. 

The playgrounds in Nossebro and Essunga invites all the children to jump, play and move. There are a total of 9 playgrounds here.

Bergevi HYPERLINK "https://www.vastsverige.com/essunga-nossebro/essunga/bergevi-motionsspar-i-frammestad/" exercise track in Främmestad offers fine exercise- and electric light tracks of various lengths just outside of Nossebror.

Högaberget's HYPERLINK "https://www.vastsverige.com/essunga-nossebro/essunga/hogaberget-motionsspar-i-nossebro/" exercise track in Nossebro is a popular roaming area with exercise- and electric light tracks. The trails are located in a mixed forest, partially covered with wooden chips and bark.

Path of health is an easily accessible 5 kilometre walk in an alternately environment. Every kilometre is marked with a Path of health-symbol. The trail will take you through diverse and beautiful environment in Nossebro, not least the section along the river Nossan.

Cultural walk learn louds of amusing information and facts about the history of Nossebro. Along the walk you will come across buildings, works of art and other interesting places where there are signs with facts, stories and pictures from different times in history.