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Fotograf: Sebastian Streith

Qvänum Mat & Malt

Micro-brewery and distillery

Activities take place here all year round for lovers of good food and drink. Enjoy a drinks tasting or take a tour of the brewery and distillery.

Pairing food and drink

Qvänum Mat & Malt focuses on flavour when producing its drinks. The heart of the operation is the brewery and distillery, creating artisan drinks for pairing with meals. With a focus on pairing food and drink, they are nurturing Swedish traditions in drinks production.


Beer and spirits with no additives

Qvänum Mat & Malt produces flavourful beers, with no additives and using water from their own well. The beautiful copper pot still is also used to distil spirits from Swedish malting barley, flavoured with cacao, caraway and fennel, among other ingredients. The company is a certified producer under Smaka på Västsverige (A Taste of West Sweden). This certification encompasses restaurants, producers and farm shops that offer sustainable and authentic products and food experiences from West Sweden based on seasonal local ingredients.



Qvänum Mat & Malt AB


53591 Kvänum

Telefon: +46 512 938 23

E-Mail: info@qmm.se

Homepage: qvanum.se/