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a family is on the dock fishing

Fotograf: Emma Ekstrand

Fishing in Ulricehamn

You can fish in many ways and in many different locations here in Ulricehamn. There are plenty of fish and fishing lakes to choose from. We have all of 15 fisheries preservation areas, and in many of these locations, you can hire a rowing boat. The Tourist Information Office has information about where you can buy a fishing license and where you can rent a boat.


Lake Åsunden in Ulricehamn is by far the municipality's best lake for zander. Angling with bleak for zander is very popular in the summer, when many very fine pike are usually caught from the lake. You can also fish for zander from the shore, in which case bottom angling is the obvious choice. Places to put in boats are located at road "Fiskaregatan" and there is parking for cars and trailers right on the foreshore.

Fishing licence

For most lakes you can buy the fishinglicense at www.iFiske.se. More information about license yor can find at the Ulricehamn Touristinformation and here: Fishing licence


The municipal moorings are located in Åsunden by the promenade and the river mouth, making for an attractive feature. The pontoons by the committee building have over 230 berths. At the river mouth, there is a smaller pontoon with only 25 or so berths. The season runs from mid-May to mid-October. The moorings are fully booked every season, but since some cancellations
occur new boat owners may also get a chance. If you are unable to get a mooring, it is possible to join the waiting list. Contact the Booking Centre on +46 321 59 52 30 or email bokningscentralen@ulricehamn.se

Rent a boat

Prången Camping in Ulricehamn. Rowingboats.

Skotteksgården  Have 2 canoes, 1 powerboat, 1 rowingboat.

For more places to rent a boat, see our fisching guide.


Guest berths

Visitors travelling by boat to Ulricehamn are permitted to anchor by  "bryggan” in the central of Ulricehamn city, for 24 hours.

Lake for zander

Lake Åsunden is by far the municipality’s best lake for zander. Angling with bleak for zander is
very popular in the summer, when many very fine pike are usually caught from the lake.. You can also fish for zander from the shore, in which case bottom angling is the obvious choice. Zander thrive in larger, not too shallow lakes or rivers. During the summer they are
most active at night and in other seasons around dusk. In warm weather zander move near the
surface. In colder weather they remain in deeper water. Zander see well in the dark and creep up on their prey. Fishing for zander requires something slightly different. To go out and spend a full day fishing for zander can expand one’s views about fishing significantly.

For one thing you will be trying brand new fishing spots and at completely different depths.
Using bleak to fish for zander is very popular in the summer, resulting in a number of very fine zander being brought up from the lakes. It is also possible to fish for zander from land, with bottom angling then being the obvious alternative. Trolling for zander - Here you have the opportunity to reach zander at the desired depth and fish over a larger area. Use slow-moving lures that do not move too much. When trolling for zander, it is important to go really slowly, almost at rowing speed.
Spinning for zander - An active and fun way to fish. Lures are also frequently used here. Zander often remain in the depths, but prefer to hunt near the surface.
Casting for zander - Here it is best to use a floating lure. Make a plug so that the bait stops and rises for a second before swimming away again.
Zander are more elongated than perch and they also differ in colour, they are also missing a fork on the gill cover. The dorsal fin is black spotted. They normally grow to be 30-70 cm, but there are some measuring more than 1 metre. Zander weighing up to 15kg have been recorded, but if you manage to catch a zander weighing 10kg, you should be very pleased.

Popular fishingspots

Sämsjön – Known for its big pike Lake Sämsjön in Vegby offers some exciting fishing! The lake has shallow inlets that are excellent for spring fishing for pike. Fishing in Lake Sämsjön is easiest from a boat, being almost entirely lined with reeds. 

A pike of 19.4 kg is the record. Perhaps the biggest reason why the pike grow so big is that the lake has good stocks of whitefish. Lake Sämsjön never ceases to amaze! Most recently, a brown trout weighing all of 7.4 kg was pulled up out of the lake last year. But of course, that brown trout is still swimming in the lake.

Places to put in/go ashore can be found in two locations. Bathing areas are in Vegby and Slumsvik. Contact Vegby camping site for boat hire.

Rånnavägssjön - Three kilometres east of Gällstad centrum is a small lake with good stocks of both coarse perch and zander. A small lake but with big potential for fantastic fishing. Lake Rånnavägssjön is also approved for eel fishing. Here you can rent a boat and there are also cabins to rent bordering onto the shoreline. 

Oxsasjön & Surströmmasjön –  If being all alone out on the lake for a day is what you like, this is the lake for you. These are two small lakes that are largely unspoiled. Each lake has good stocks of pike, and fishing is best from a boat since large parts of the lake are covered by reeds. You can rent a boat here too, relatively inexpensively.

Mogden – Lake Mogden is an incredibly lovely lake with good stocks of pike and perch. 

Stora Björken and Lilla Björken – Two proper pike lakes. This is where you should go if you're after the really big pike. Nibbles might be less frequent, but once you finally get a proper bite, it will be a nice-sized pike you have on the end of your line. Lake Stora Björken offers a bit out of the ordinary, with both shallow parts and deep ravines. The lake also has many small islands that are truly hot fishing spots.



Even thick ice can be weak in places. The ice is often weak in channels, close to the mouth of a stream under bridges and many other places. Use an ice pick to test if the ice is strong enough.
The ice should be at least 10 centimetres thick. You should never go out onto the ice alone. Children must always be accompanied by an adult. Everybody on the ice should have a buoyancy aid and ice pick. Ice fishing is done by either drilling or picking holes in the ice. Use either a very simple jig rod or a short sport-fishing rod. For bait use small, simple movements, a vertical jig, horizontal jig or a small fly, although natural bait is also used. It is important that the bait is small,
as fish have a limited appetite in the winter. Ice fishing is common for perch.
Small holes are drilled with a couple of dozen metres distance between them in the area of interest, such as a slope or a peak. The bait is fished on the bottom.
When perch are found, you can often find several in the same hole. Fishing for pike is also common when ice fishing. Pike are particularly active during late winter, when they feed themselves up before spawning early in the spring. Pike can either be fished with a rod and live bait or by angel fishing. For the latter, up to 20 or so tip-ups are set up that fish passively using live bait over a larger area.


Download our Fishing Guide with more information.