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Experience Uddevalla by foot

Fotograf: Max Ljungberg

Hike in Uddevalla

Uddevalla offers beautiful hiking trails along the sea, by lakes and over mountains! Experience nature, enjoy salty baths, magnificent views and beautiful forest areas.

Hike in Ljungskile

For nature lovers, Ljungskile offers many beautiful hiking trails. Walk along the sea and enjoy the fresh sea air or in the deepest spruce forest among lakes...

Hike on Bokenäset

Bohuslän in a nutshell. The peninsula offers contrasts and harmony with dark green beech and coniferous forests always close to blue-gray cliffs and beaches.

Book a hiking package

Combine a day in hiking boots with an overnight stay. The choice is yours, choose between a villa by the sea or a room with unbeatable views on Bokenäset or perhaps a "glamping tent" on Anfasteröd in Ljungskile.


Bohusleden is 350 km long and stretches from Älvsäker in the south to Strömstad in the north. Bohusleden is divided into stages, just in time for a day trip or weekend hike. Here you follow grassy bogs and rocky outcrops, partly untouched forests and passing many croft ruins.


The coastal path is a variation of coastal hiking trails and circular loops along the Bohuslän coast. In Uddevalla you can walk from Skalbankarna, on Strandpromenaden, via Gustafsberg, Ammenäs and Saxenhof all the way to Ljungskile. On Bokenäset near Kärlingesund, it connects to Skaftö and Flatö.

The freedom to roam

Thanks to the Right of Public Access we can spend time outdoors in Sweden more or less anywhere we want. It’s a unique right, but it also means that we have to respect certain principles. The main one is “Do not disturb – do not destroy.”