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Free WIFI in central Trollhättan

Access free WIFI in Trollhättan city center

You can now access the Internet with free WIFI in Trollhättan city center and in Älvrummet nature reserve. The wireless network covers most of the central city from the Waterfall area to the south to the train station in the North, Spikön (Nail Island) to the West and University West to the East.

How do I get access?

It is easy to connect a computer, tablet or phone to the network. Just open your wireless network finder and choose the Trollhattan_Gotanet_Open network. 

When you click on the Connect button you just accept the agreement and you are ready to surf the Web. This gives you free access to the Internet for an hour. The speed is 5 Mbit/s. 

If you want to access municipal services and companies or the tourist information site then no login code is required. 

*In case of problems please contact our support at Gotanet at +46(0)520-500 550.

Free WIFI map over central Trollhättan (pdf)


Trollhättans Stad


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