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Booking Rules

Rules and Reservation Policies

Booking intermediary (agent) is
Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB
Kungsgatan 9, 462 33 Vänersborg
Phone +46521-135 09

As an intermediary, our responsibility is to ensure that:
You receive a written confirmation of your booking and that you will receive documents and information about the hotel / package / activity / event you booked with us. 

Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB is not responsible for promises that the owner of the product or his/her contact person have made directly with you without our knowledge and which Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB is not aware of. Make sure to have such agreement in writing and signed by the owner or contact person. 

You will be informed of any significant changes regarding your booking and you will have access to the cottage / apartment / room you booked from the time stated on your confirmation. 

If you are not satisfied with all or parts of your booking, then you need to contact us at Visit Trollhättan and Vänersborg AB.

What if I want to cancel?

You can cancel your booking either verbally or in writing to Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB by phone +46521-135 09 or by e-mail: info@visittv.se. The cancellation only applies after confirmation from Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB. 

Cancellation fees

Cancellation 14-2 days prior to booked arrival date is 20% of booking price. If canceled later, full fee will be charged. 

Change cost 150 SEK per booking and occasion. 

What are my obligations?

You are obliged to check the booking confirmation yourself as soon as you have receive it. If it does not match what you have booked, you must contact Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB immediately. 

Terms and Conditions

These general terms and conditions apply between Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB and You, who, yourself or through another, enter into an agreement with Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB as stated in the confirmation. The agreement can cover accommodation, purchase of other products or services, or a combination of these. 


Personal information, such as name, social security number, address, email and telephone number, which you provide when booking via Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB is only processed for the intended purpose. 

By booking, you agree that Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB may store your information. Personal information is stored as a basis for booking and financial management in accordance with the Accounting Act.

Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB. Kungsgatan 9, 462 33 Vänersborg. Organization number 556606-2419 is responsible for personal information and handles your information in accordance with the GDPR law. 

War, natural disasters, strikes, etc.

Both you and Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB have the right to withdraw from the booking agreement if the cottage / apartment / room cannot be provided du to acts of war, natural disasters, labor market conflicts, long interruptions of water or energy supply, fire or other similar major events, which neither you nor Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB could predict. In this case, we are obliged to repay what you paid as soon as possible, except for the time you spent in the cottage / apartment / room already. 

In the event that the trip cannot be carried out due to an hindrance beyond the organizer's control which the organizer could not reasonable be expected to have anticipated when the contract was concluded and the consequences which he/she could not reasonably avoided or overcome, the organizer is free from liability or other penalties. The same applies even if the cancellation of the trip depends on someone hired by the organizer or someone else in the previous stage. 

What if we do not agree?

Please contact us directly with any complaints. Keep in mind that if you delay, your chances of getting correction may decrease. If we cannot agree, you can contact the National Board of Consumer Disputes (ARN). It consists of impartial representatives that try disputes between consumers and business operators. Read more here. 

We reserve the right for changes in the law and price changes that are beyond our control. 

Special conditions when booking event tickets may apply. When booking event tickets, immediate payment is required. Purchased tickets are not exchanged or repurchased.