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Fotograf: Jan Vasek

Free WiFi

Do you need to connect to the Internet when visiting our area? Here you can find information about free WiFi in Trollhättan and Vänersborg.


Free WiFi in central Trollhättan
Trollhättan offers free WiFi in the city center and around the nature reserve of Älvrummet for visitors. In the area there are about 20 access points that goes from the waterfall area to the south to the train station in the north. From Spikön island in the west to University West in the east. 

The WiFi is called "Trollhattan_Gotanet_Open". The only thing you need to connect is to choose the network, approve the contract and start browsing. You will then have access to the Internet for one hour. The 5 Mbit/s speed is good enough for surfing and watching YouTube. 

If you want to reach municipal services and companies as well as the Tourist Center's website, you do not need to log in. 


Free WiFi at Vänersborg City Library
The city library offers access to free WiFi called "Vanersborg_Guest" for visitors. To use this network you need account which you create by filling in your name and mobile number. 

You will then receive a text message with username and password to log in to the network. If you use a phone with a foreign number, enter "+"and the country code. 

Find Vänersborg City Library.

Other places

There are also several restaurants, cafes, hotels and libraries that offers WiFi for their guests in both cities. Please ask the staff if WiFi is available.