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Spikön in Trollhätte Canalpark

Trollhättan's green oasis, surrounded by the waters of the Göta river, Spikön is the favorite place of many locals. Enjoy the beautiful nature by the water just a short walk from the city center.

Take a nice walk and visit the summer open café, take your family to the themed playground or work up a sweat at Spikön's outdoor gym are some examples of things to do here.

Dendrosafari in Trollhättan

Find out more about Trollhättan's parks and special trees with the help of the city's Dendro safari guide.

The Sculpture Tour on Spikön

On Spikön you can find several of the sculptures that are part of Trollhättan's Sculpture Tour, with sculptures located along the Trollhätte canal.

Explore the area with Spikörundan

Spikörundan is a walk that goes along Spikön on the west side of the canal and Strandgatan street on the east side. In total, a 2.5 kilometer easy walk that takes you past everything that Spikön has to offer and is a pleasant walk close to the city center.