Family friendly hikes on Tjörn
It's fun to enjoy nature with children. Here are some of the hiking trails we recommend as fun to explore with the kids. Depending on the children’s ages and level of experience, all trails are suitable for families.
Sundsbyleden, Tjörn
At Sundsby, there are several trails of varying length and difficulty. Ivers Skogspromenad (Forest Walk) starts along Karpstigen by the dam; it is 1.3 km and tested by three-year-olds. Have a break at the picnic area to watch the views and climb some gnarled pine trees.
If you want a slightly bigger challenge, the trail to Solklinten, the ravine and caves is for you. It is suitable for prams for the first stretch from the car park, and then you’ll need a baby carrier for those who can’t walk themselves. Solklinten is the highest peak of the mountain, offering a wonderful view of Stigfjorden, and the islands of Tjörn and Orust. Below Solklinten, there is a narrow and deep ravine with steep sides.
In a couple of places, there are large rocks wedged in the ravine; in these places one may have to climb under or over the rocks. If it's been raining it can get quite wet. Beyond the ravine, a large cave has been formed by fallen boulders. Here, you’ll find a picnic and barbecue area where you can restore energy levels.
Back at Sundsby Manor, don’t miss the great ‘fika’ – that’s Swedish for coffee and something sweet – at the farm café.
Fotograf: Anders Jonsson, SBT
Säbyleden and Stenstugan on Säby island, Tjörn
A nice trip of 6 km that can be enjoyed with a stroller or jogger that can handle some hilly terrain. During summer, there are cows in the fields and gates that children can try to open. The Stenstugan stone cottage on Säby island is exciting as it’s situated by steep mountains to climb and a beach to play at. There is a barbecue area at Stenstugan, where you can cook sausages or why not damper? If you want to make it easier, hot dogs in a thermos are perfect for excursions.
Tips for hiking with children
Expect that it will take much longer to walk with children, plan in lots of breaks and time for play and to explore along the way. Bring a football that the kids can kick in front of them. It’s a good idea to bring a bird book, a plant book, binoculars and loupe or magnifying glass and let the children explore nature. Use the map and show them where you are, where you are going and what you will see along the way. Let the children find the way, lead the way and find the next trail marking.