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Fotograf: Roger Borgelid

Crab fishing is a fun activity for the whole family.


Bring a bucket and a long line with a clothespin
attached to one end. This is how it works:
• Look for mussels to use as bait.

• Attach a mussel to the clothespin. Make sure
that the mussel is open so that the crab can
access the bait.

• Hold the line and drop the mussel into the
sea. Good places to catch crabs are usually
around rocks and seaweed. A great way is to
sit on the pier and fish. If there is clear water,
you can see when the crab approaches and
bites the bait.

• Pull up the line and carefully place the crab in
the bucket that you have filled with seawater.
IMPORTANT! Remember not to damage the
crab and carefully release it back into the sea.