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Fotograf: Sotenäs Turism

Udden Sculpture Park

Welcome to visit Udden - the quarry that has become a sculpture park

In the old quarry right next to the sea on Norra Kajen in Hunnebostrand, you can experience sculpture park all year round. The area is part of the beach promenade and the path to the swimming area. Now art has taken the place of the stone industry and the dramatic view towards the sea is preserved.

Summer exhibition

Every year the exhibition changes and new sculptures are presented from June to September. Existing works can be experienced all year round.

Udden sculpture 2022

Welcome to the twelfth edition of Udden Skulptur in the old quarry at Norra Kajen in Hunnebostrand. The exhibition shows sculpture and installation that correspond in various ways to the location.

"Since last year I was part of the artistic council that selected artists for the exhibition based on an open call, I have nurtured a desire to see what a smaller number of exhibitors with a larger production budget can do if they are allowed to work completely site-specific."

Johan Zetterquist Curator for Udden sculpture 2022

This year's participating artists:

Alina Chaiderov, Patrik Bengtsson, Mattias Norström, Curator: Johan Zetterquist

The exhibition runs from 5 June to 30 September

The organizer is KKV-Bohuslän.

Free entrance to the area