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Fotograf: Smögens Fiske & Skärgårdsturer

Local products from the sea

Welcome to taste freshly-caught food and high-quality ingredients. We promise you some of the world´s best seafood!

An importent part of your stay in our district is our cuisine. Close by the sea and surrounded by a rich country side, we have the best of primary products at our disposal.

All kinds of shellfish play an important part on the menus, and local producers provide the restaurants with fresh and high-class products.

Smögen-prawns are a well-known delicacy, being fished in Skagerack. The prawns are boiled onboard and then landed on Smögen. Try the smoked prawns! They have a more intense flavor.

Catching lobster is an overwhelming adventure. The premiere is on the first Monday after the 20th of September at 7am. In this first hour you can wath hundreds of boats going out to get good spot for their lobster pots, all hoping for quite a number of "the black gold of the sea".

Easter and Midsummer is herring-time. On almost every dinnertable in Sweden pickled herring is being served. There is nothing more Swedish at midsummer evening that herring with dill and boiled new potatoes, followed by strawberries and sweet cream.