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A passage grave on top of a hill with beautiful view over the landscape

Fotograf: Ann-Sofie Hjerp

Historical sites

Our area is sometimes refered to as "the cradle of Sweden", and when you look closer at the may historical sights it is not difficult to u nderstand! Welcome to explore ancient monuments and old churches!

Amundtorp ship setting Skara 
Along the cultural route Skaraborg you will find this well preserved ship setting, together with stone circles and different types of stone settings. The burial ground is located in a beautiful setting with views over Lake Hornborga. Findings at the sight are from 400-550A.D.

Levenestenen rune stone Vara 
Swedens largest rune stone Levenestenen was discovered in 1927 in the west end of Stora Levene church. The rune stone was broken in two pieces, and was bricked into the inner wall of the church port, with one piece on each side of the entrance. On the back of the rune stone there is an ornament in the shape of a cross engraved. Today the rune stone can be seen outside the church.

Gudhem abbey ruins 
This Cistercienser abbey for nuns, which was founded in the 12th century, is beautifully located with a view over Lake Hornborga. Inside Gudem’s abbey ruins you will find the grave of queen Catherine of Sweden from the 13th century. Today you can visit the ruins of the abbey and an abbey museum.

Sparlösa rune stone 
Visit Sparlösastenen, one of Sweden’s most remarkable rune stones. It probably originates from the 9th century. One of the things that make it unique is the image formations on the stone.

Flyhov Kinnekulle rock carvings 
At Flyhovs carvings north of the village Husaby you will find almost 400 pictures carved into the rocks. The carvings are from 1500-1000 BC and pictures human figures, ships, wheels, river mills and animals. The most famous one is “Yxguden”, which means “The axe God”.

Karleby passage grave 
Along the 3 km long road through Karleby you will find a total of 11 passage graves which are monumental family graves built during the Neolithic. The largest, Ragnvald’s hill, has a chamber length of 17 meters and is the largest passage grave in Sweden.

Kungslena church
Feel the wing of the history at Kungslena medieval church. The characteristic exterior with its three towers is uniqie. The towers are claimed to have been built as a memory of a visit of Birger jarl, the founder of Stockholm.

Varnhems abbey and church 
Wander in the different rooms from the time of the monks and learn about what life may have looked like in the abbey. Where did they do laundry? What did the herb garden look like? Read on the information signs to get the answers to your questions! The founder of Stockholm, Birger jarl, is buried in the majestic church.

Kung Ranes tumulus 
A pre-Christian large tumulus where King Rane is said to be buried. The tumulus is approximately five meters high and is beautifully located next to Flistad church.

A picture of King Rane's pile with Flistad church in the background

Fotograf: Mårten Bergkvist/Next Skövde

Suntaks old church
The old church in Suntak is a deserted church which has a rarely well kept roman architechture from the later parts of the 12th century. Remains of frescos from the late medieval times decorate the walls, and in the chancel you will find a copy of the remarkable chancel chair Suntaksstolen.

Luttra passage grave 
Luttra passage grave is one of 270 in the area around Falbygden. It was built during the Stone Age, about 5000 years ago. Inside, archaeologists have found bones from about 100 individuals. The passage grave has one single roof block remaining in its original location, and it weighs about 13 tons.

S:t Nikolaus church ruin Skara 
Walk a hundred steps to the west from Skara cathedral and you will find yourself next to S:t Nikolaus church ruin – a parish church from the medieval times. You can see the old walls and parts of the floor plan as a beautiful contour, today beautifully overgrown with greenery.

Katarinaklostret abbey ruins Skara 
Underneith the veterinary museum in central Skara you can see parts of the fransiscaner abbey Sankta Katarina from the 13th century. The museum is built on top of the old abbey. There are well preserved remains from the abbey which show the location of the walls and their appearance.

Ekornvallen Falköping burial ground
On the sight there are burial grounds from the three main eras of the prehistoric times; the Stone- Bronze- and Iron ages. The oldest grave was built during the Neolithic, around 3300 B.C., while the younger graves are from the Viking Age. This means that people have used Ekornavallen as a burial ground for over 4000 years.

Skörstorp round church
There are eight well kept round churches in Sweden, and at least as many ruined. One of the well kept ones is Skörstorps round church outside of Falköping. It is from the middle of the 12th century.

Askeberga ship setting Skövde
Outside Tidan you will find Swedens second largest stone setting made out of 24 large stones. How the large rocks got there is an unsolved mystery, and is a very fascinating riddle.