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Fotograf: Simon Olsson

Swimming in Skara

Enjoy outdoor swimming in great surroundings

The Skara area boasts several scenic lakes with picturesque spots for outdoor swimming

There are several child-friendly places to swim in Skara, such as Näsbadet in Lake Skärvalången, Vingbadet in Lake Vingsjön, or Lake Flämsjön near Lerdala. During the summer, these oases fill up with both locals and tourists. You may even be lucky to find your own private spot for a refreshing dip.


This child-friendly, freshwater swimming spot is located 11 km outside of Skara. Equipped with a long jetty, the waters are shallow and there is a kiosque selling ice cream and sweets. Dressing rooms and portaloos are available during high season.

There is a long and partly steep descent from the car park to the little beach, where you can enjoy refreshments at picnic tables.

Directions: GPS-coordinates: Lat: N 58° 25.200 Long: E013° 37.003 
Follow road 49 toward Skövde. At Axvall turn toward Lerdala/Flämslätt. Drive through Skärv. Turn right at sign with swimming symbol just after Skärv. 


Enjoy this little child-friendly beauty spot, part of the Flämslätt Conference Center, property of the Church of Sweden. Situated in picturesque Vallebygden, facilities include jetties, a kiosque selling refreshments, and canoe hire. The access path is suitable for prams and wheelchairs. There is also a small playground and boules court. Refreshments can be purchased from the Conference Centre reception.  The jetty is u-shaped, allowing for small children to swim safely inside the bend. There is a small sandy beach, and a grassy slope toward the lake. At Flämslätt, you can also purchase a fishing permit for the lake, and you can even rent a small rowing boat to try your luck!

Directions: Follow road 49 from Skara toward Skövde. At Axvall turn toward Flämslätt. Drive all the way to Flämslätt Conference Centre, car park on your right. The small beach is visible from the road before the right turn up to the main buildings. 


This is a lovely little sandy beach on the edge of a large grassy field. This is a child-friendly place to swim, with a secluded area for the little ones. There is a jetty, small changing room, and portable toilets.

Directions: Take road 49 toward Skövde, turn off at Axvall. In central Axvall turn right, drive through the village and turn left before the parish hall. You can park on the parish car park.

More options

There are several places in the Valle area where you can also hop in for a swim. Some of these may have small beaches, some only a jetty. Welcome to discover your own favourite spot! You can find them all on the Walk the Valle map.


Skara City Council is responsible for cleaning and maintenance at Vingsjön and Näs. Please contact Head of Department Anders Svärd on 0511-322 14.
