Welcome to Skara Tourist office!
Close to the church, in the heart of Skara, you will find the city hall with tourist information. We give you good tips of nice restaurants, accomodations, or just finding a cosy place for picnic.
Opening hours 2024
Monday-Thursday 8:00-16:30, Friday 8:00-16:00.
Day before holiday we close at 15:00.
Contact information
Skara Kontaktcenter
Södra Kyrkogatan 2
532 30 Skara
Telefon +46 511 320 00
Email: upplevskara@skara.se
Website: www.upplevskara.se
GPS-koordinater: Latitude: 58,3868 Longitude: 13,44
Upplev Skara
Södra Kyrkogatan 2
53239 Skara
Telefon: 0511-32000
E-Mail: upplevskara@skara.se
Homepage: upplevskara.se