Opening hours & prices
Here you’ll find the regular opening hours and admission prices.
Saturdays: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesdays: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM for children aged 0–6 years with the Family Center in Skara.
Learn more on the Family Center’s website.
Visit the Family Center's website
At other times, Book Adventure is closed to the public, but school visits can be booked upon request.
For inquiries, please contact Johanna Andersson at:
Adults: 60 SEK
Children (ages 3–18): 40 SEK
Seniors: 40 SEK
10-visit pass (all ages): 350 SEK
Admission is paid at the gift shop inside the Book Adventure, where the 10-visit pass is also available for purchase.
Please note that parents/guardians are always responsible for accompanying children during visits to the Book Adventure and its exhibitions.
Book Adventure
The Old Library
Biblioteksgatan 3, Skara
Phone: +46 (0)511-320 00