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Fotograf: Margareta Anderberg

The West Coast Maritime Week on Skaftö

  • 04 Aug, 2016
  • Margareta Anderberg

Explore life in, under and by water! August 6th to August 14th 2016. The West Coast Maritime Week is an initiative from Region Västra Götaland to increase awareness of our marine environment and the sustainable use of its resources.

The West Coast Maritime Week is celebrated from Ängelholm in the south to Strömstad in the north and is filled with hundreds of activities for young as well as old.  Adventures abound as you join an exciting excursion on a research ship, climb the windy stairs of a light tower and go kayaking, snorkelling or even diving. 

There is much to explore along the west coast and most of the activities are free. Most of the activities are in Swedish, but for many of them language skills are not needed.

The following takes place during this week on Skaftö:

Exhibition of the fishing boat Sandö, Grundsund

Time: Monday 8/8, 12:00 to 6:00 pm

Location: Eastern wharf, Grundsund

LL Sandö is one of Sweden's biggest wooden fishing boats. Today Sandö is owned by Bohusläns Museum. Sandö is exhibited by former owner Klas Berntsson, who for more than 40 years was fishing with this traditonal Bohuscoast fishing boat.

Beach hang around at Rödbergsvik beach

Time: Monday 8/8 - Wednesday 8/10, 1:00 to 3:00 pm

Location: Klubban Biological Station at Östersidan, Fiskebäckskil

Get the opportunity to look at a beach binoculars, collect animals and learn more about life in the ocean along with a marine biologist. Bring your snorkel gear and try the snorkelling trail.

Shore excursion for families in Bökevik

Time: Monday 8/8, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Location: Bökevik, Fiskebäckskil

Borrow nets, binoculars and water buckets. What's in the sand and who does the strange mounds on the ground? Come and look down below the surface of Bökevik.

Open house at the Sven Lovén Centre Kristineberg, Fiskebäckskil

Time: Tuesday 9/8 and Wednesday 10/8, 1:00 to 4:00 pm

Location: Lovén Centre, Kristineberg, Fiskebäckskil

Visit one of the world's oldest marine research stations. At the Lovén Centre scientists from around the world are working trying to find out more about life under the surface. Come see what's in Gullmarn and learn more about the sea on the Swedish westcoast. For more information www.vasterhavsveckan.se

Excursion aboard the research vessel Oscar von Sydow 

Time: Departs Tuesday 9/8 & Wednesday 10/8 10:30 am

The trip takes about 1,5 hours.

Location: Kristineberg wharf, Fiskebäckskil

Price: > 16 years 200 SEK, 7-15 years $ 100, free for children under 7 years

Reservations: Tel +46 (0)31 786 95 66

Oscar von Sydow will take a trip on the Gullmars fjord and will take up animals and algae from the bottom for further study. With the board is a knowledgeable marine biologist who teaches and tells of the discovery made.

This year's program for The West Coast Maritime Week and what happens more particularly in Lysekil can be found here (use google translate). 

Ask a scientist about the sea!

Ask your questions about the sea during the The West Coast Maritime Week to marine biologists at Havets Framtidsverkstad (Sea Future Workshop). Use ##FrågaForskaren or mail your question to fragaforskaren@havetsframtidverkstad.se

Watch the film Plastic currents A marine dilemma for the west coast of Sweden. (Havsmiljöinstitutet) 

Tons of plastic debris washes up on the Bohuslän coast every year. How much is it? Where does it come from? What are the consequences for nature and animals, and what can we do about it? In the film, we meet people who are trying to answer these questions. Everyone from his or her perspective. People who are committed to the problem, researchers and experts. Together they provide a picture of a problem as we only recently realized the extent of. A story that everyone should take part of.

Plastic currents A marine dilemma for the west coast of Sweden