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Fotograf: Margareta Anderberg

Ola Lindholm is in the news with a new children’s book—The Fight Against Samaael

  • 09 Sep, 2016

Just in time for this year's 2016 Book Expo, Ola Lindholm is releasing The Fight Against Samaael, the second and final book in the fantasy adventure The Dream Catcher. The new book is the sequel to The Beast Awakens, released last spring, and is once again illustrated by Jonas Åkerlund.

Skaftö native Ola Lindholm has accomplished much under the last 25 years, and he has been successful. He has won two Kristaller (Crystal Awards) for his TV programs, and his music has netted him Grammys, gold and platinum albums. 

We know Ola as creator and host of television programs including “Ants in Pants” and “Wild Kids.” He received a Grammy for his album, Ola and the Gorilla. His collaborations with Sean Banan have also been successful. Ola not only wrote the lyrics to Banan’s Copacabanana, but also directed the performance of the song on Melodifestivalen. Ola has even managed to find the time to be the Editor in Chief of the children’s magazine, Kamratposten, for the last five years. He has long been an advocate and strong voice for children’s rights in public debate, especially when he was on the board of BRIS (Children’s Rights in Society).

The new book

Ola wanted to become an author for a long time, but it wasn't until he moved to Skaftö that he was able to find the peace and quiet necessary to start.

I knew as early as 5 years old that I wanted to write. I have long had the story of The Dream Catcher in me. However, I didn't know how it would develop until I sat down and wrote. When I began to write the book, I didn't know what would happen. That is a pretty complicated way to write, but after I began, the writing went quickly.”

In the second and final part of The Dream Catcher, we follow the orphan dream catcher Andy and the Angel family when they leave the secret island to find the beast Samaael, who conceals and eradicates. Only Andy can handle the silver sword, and only he can destroy the evil. With the sword and Isabell by his side, Andy goes to the final battle against Samaael. Not only is Andy's life on the line, but also the dream animals' possibility to live freely among people again.

Or, as Ola himself says on his Facebook page:

Before eventual reviewers, against all odds, should write something else:

The Fight Against Samaael is the fantastic sequel to the incredible The Beast Awakens. Never before has such a perfect book been written. Like a tightrope walker, Lindholm maintains a perfect balance between beautiful prose and nail-biting tension. Andy's and Isabell's struggle against evil is an immediate classic!”

Work on an upcoming program on SVT in the fall

Ola will continue to work on TV during the fall. Previously, he has developed and produced such shows as An Evening with Tomas Ledin and An Evening with Lisa Nilsson. Will there be more of this type of show in the future?

These programs are very fun to make, big shows, it is extremely enjoyable. I will be working with SVT's 60 year anniversary celebration this fall. I will make a huge gala, a birthday party for Sweden's Television.”

Working as a televison producer seems to be a fun job.

It is a very creative job to develop an entirely new TV program. It is also a difficult job. Of 100 new shows, 100 can be trashed in the end and nothing makes it to TV. So every now and then, even a blind hen finds a seed, and a show is born. Many, many programs are conceived, but very, very few make it all the way.”

In his office in the old schoolhouse on Skaftö where Ola and his family live today, a very special photograph is hanging. Ola is pictured with Destiny's Child, where Beyoncé is looking up at Ola with admiration.

Yes, it is nice. If you look at Beyoncé, you see how she is looking at me with happiness and desire,” says Ola and laughs. ”They (Destiny's Child) were on Open on Sunday when I was the host, at the same time that I was doing the children’s show Ola and the Gorilla. My friend Mats, who was dressed as a gorilla, was my sidekick, and Destiny's Child was our guest, quite simply. So they took the time to take a picture, because Beyoncé wanted to have a memory of herself with me, obviously!”

Active Skaftö resident

Since moving to Skaftö, Ola has taken an active role in island life. He especially values being a football/soccer coach for the little league. Last year, he and Björn Borg participated in Kids' Day, the final day of the Björn Borg's Cup tournament that Fiskebäckskil's Tennis Club organizes. His support was greatly appreciated. Ola also joins in the yearly mackerel fishing competition in Grundsund. He is still showing his potential for growth, one could say (he won the fewest number of mackerel twice). During the summer, Ola has helped his partner, Lotta, and her sister, Caroline Bäcker, with the shops Lottas Lada (Lotta's Barn), Hannas i Hamnen (Hanna's on the Pier) and Hannas i Krögen (Hanna's at the Pub).

I go around and show up like a Jack-in-the-box, helping the staff, throwing out trash, standing at the register, and such. I think it is really fun to do those things for shorter times. That's how someone should join in with hands, arms and legs, and work a little.”

Participation in this year's Book Expo

Now Ola is joining the Book Expo in Gothenburg September 22-25. He will be presenting his new book and speaking on the importance of reading to and by children and youth.

Finally, are there going to be more books by Ola in the future?

Yes, there will be! I am sitting now and thinking, and when I try to fall asleep I ponder on what to write in my next book. It will not, however, be a book in the Dream Catcher series, but rather a whole new book about completely different things.”