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Fotograf: Peter Lundberg

Midsummer on Skaftö 2016

  • 17 Jun, 2017
  • Margareta Anderberg

Here you will find the time and place for Midsummer celebrations on Skaftö and what is happening on Midsummer Day as well.

Midsummer's Eve 24 June

About midsummer in Sweden

In sweden the maypole is usually called a midsummer pole, midsommarstång, as it appears at the Midsummer celebrations, although the literal translation majstång also occurs, were the word maj refers to the old Swedish word maja which means dress and not to the month of May. The traditions surrounding the maypoles vary locally, as does the design of the poles, although the design featuring a cross and two rings is most common nowadays. Common in all of Sweden are traditional ring dances, mostly in the form of dances where you are alternating dancing and making movements and gestures based on the songs, such as pretending that you are scrubbing laundry while singing about washing, or jumping as frogs during the song "Små grodorna" ("The little frogs"). Another custom is that young maidens expect to dream of their future mate if they pick seven different flowers and place them under their pillow when they go to bed on this day only.

Bökevik, Fiskebäckskil

Traditional celebrations in Bökevik, Fiskebäckskil organized by Sjöstjärnan begins at 10 am dressing the maypole and at 14 pm there will be dancing and games. Coffee can be purchased.

Gullmarstrand, Fiskebäckskil have Lunch with herring and salad buffet at 12 pm - 16 pm and a cake buffet served 15 pm - 17 pm. In the evening you can enjoy a barbecue buffet 18 pm - 21 pm.

Västra Kajen, Grundsund

Celebrations in Grundsund take place on the Western quay outside restaurant "Smultron & Tång". The midsummer celebration starts at 16 pm. Music, song and of course dancing around the maypole.

Smultron & Tång in Grundsund is open on Midsummer's Eve from 12 pm and here you can enjoy a three-course lunch before the midsummer dancing around the maypole begins.

Café Syltrutan, Grundsund serves homemade and amazing cakes. Open Midsummer's Eve 9 am - 16 pm.

Rågårdsviks Pensionat, Rågårdsvik

In Rågårdsvik Midsummer's Eve is celbrated in the garden of Rågårdsviks Pensionat. The village community begins to dress the maypole at 10 am and at 16 pm the dancing starts with music and song by Annika Dahlberg.
Rågårdsviks Pensionat serves midsummer dinner in the evening.

The playground, Stockevik

Midsummer celebration starts at 9 am with dressing the maypole. At 15 pm the dancing begins with a lottery as well.

Rödbergsvik, Östersidan

At 10 am dressing of the paypole. Flowers gratefully received! At 15 pm there will be dancing around the maypole and games. Candy handed out to all children. 

Midsummer Day June 25

Cruising in Lysekil - a classic for all car enthusiasts.

A Family party with funfair, rockabilly music and many well-polished cars. 15 pm - late.

Just be aware that it will be looong queues for ferries Finnsbo - Skår this day. Prepare to be patient and take your time. 

Joel's Brygga, Brygghuset Fiskebäckskil opens for the summer season on this Midsummer Day. Open from 10 am - 22 pm.

Café Syltrutan, Grundsund is a perfect picnic spot on Midsummer Day, serving fantastic homemade cakes. Open Midsummer Day 9 am - 17 pm.