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Service on Skaftö

  • 01 Jul, 2019

Here you will find useful service contact information on Skaftö as well as in Lysekil.

Lysekils municipality

Kungsgatan 44, tel: +46 (0)523-61 30 00, www.lysekil.se

Police, Lysekil

SOS Alarm, tel 112

Police Lysekil, Landsvägsgatan 8, tel: 114 14 (manned Monday-Friday 9:00 - 15:00)

Police Uddevalla, Lagerbergsgatan 35, Uddevalla, tel: 114 14 (at all times)


SOS Alarm, tel: 112

Information in case of toxic emergency, tel: 112

Drugs/medicine information, tel: +46 (0)771-46 70 10

"Sjukvårdsrådgivningen" / Health care advice, tel: 1177, https://www.1177.se/Vastra-Gotaland/Other-languages/Engelska/ (Also applies to on-call health care)

Närhälsan Skaftö vårdcentral, (Skaftö Healthcenter) Fiskebäckskil, Stenströmsbacken 1A, tel: +46 (0)10- 441 69 00.  Open Monday-Friday 08:00-16:00 Lunch 12:00-12.45. Drop in for tests, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 08-10. Closed for the Summer in July and August.

Närhälsan Lysekil vårdcentral, (Lysekil Healthcenter) Lasarettsgatan 1, tel: +46 (0)10-44 169 00. Open Monday-Friday, 08:00-17:00, Saturday, Sunday and holidays, 10:00-16:00.

Capio Lysekils Medical Center (Läkarhus), S Hamngatan 4, tel: +46 (0)523-45 92 00, Open holiday-free weekdays 08:00-17:00. Doctor is available on the same day in case of emergency. On-call assistance. On get help with less serious acute illness in the evenings and weekends when the Health centers are closed. Open weekdays 17:00-22:00, weekends and holidays, 10:00-16:00.

Närhälsan Tanumshede Jourcentral, Ringvägen 1A, Tanumshede, tel: +46 (0)70-020 66 50. If you are sick or need help other times. Open Monday-Friday, 17:00-24:00, Saturday, Sunday and holidays, 16:00-midnight.

Emergency room (Akutmottagning) NÄL, Norra Älvsborgs Länssjukhus, Trollhättan, Lärketorpsvägen, tel: +46 (0)10-435 00 00.

Emergency room (Akutmottagning) ophthalmological, Uddevalla Lasarett, Fjällvägen 9, tel: +46 (0)10-473 81 00

Rehab/physical therapy, Kuling Rehab och Hälsa AB, Valbogatan 17, Lysekil Hospital, tel: +46 (0)523-171 90. 


Ombud  ICA Nära Grundsund, tel: +46 (0)523-211 05

Ombud Tempo Skaftöhallen, Fiskebäckskil, tel: +46 (0)523-220 52

Post service

Postoffice (Send/pick-up packages and buy stamps):

ICA Nära Grundsund, tel: +46 (0)523-211 05

Tempo Skaftöhallen, Fiskebäckskil, tel: +46 (0)523-220 52

Bank/ATM Cash machine

SEB Lysekil, Rosvikstorg, tel: 0771-62 10 00

Petrol station & Marine fuel and service station

Roskällans Lokaltapp, Roskällan Fiskebäckskil

Marine service station, Lyckans Slip, Fiskebäckskil (diesel)

Marine service station, Grundsunds Marina, Grundsund (gasoline & diesel)


Library by Skaftö School, Lönndalsvägen 49, Grundsund, tel: +46 (0)523-61 31 92. Open Monday and Thursday 10:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00. 


Taxi Bertil Allansson, Fiskebäckskil tel: +46 (0)70-512 30 72 (cash only)

Taxi Väst Skaftö, tel: +46 (0)523-45 90 00 

Liquor store

Ombud:  ICA Nära Grundsund, tel: +46 (0)523-211 05

Public toilets

Fiskebäckskil at hotel Gullmarsstrand/Bökevik (open May-Sep)

Fiskebäckskil, Lyckans Slip (guest harbour)

Grundsund Eastern wharf (open May-Sep)

Grundsund Western wharf (öpen May-Sep)

Grundsunds Marina AB, Ponteviksvägen 10, Grundsund

Grundsund Krögen (Town square in Grundsund)

Stockevik harbour

Östersidan by the ferry landing

Recycling stations

Containers for plastic, paper, cartons, glass and metal at recycling centers in Fiskebäckskil, Grundsund and Östersidan.

Skaftö Återvinningscentral (Recycling center) is open Tuesdays 15:00-19:00, Thursdays April to September 15:00-19:00, Saturdays 09:00-13:00.