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Autumn on Skaftö

  • Christina Ingemarsdotter

Shorter days, cooler nights. Indian summer days surprise us with crispy air and bright colors. The grey windy days are also beautiful if you look up and drop your shoulders. With the shorter days comes the last boat ride, Skaftö breathes calmness and many of the homes close down for the winter. Those of us who stay on enjoys the lobster season.

Autumn is approaching

There is time for reflection again. The nights get longer, we huddle in the dusk and light candles in our homes. The sea gets grayer and it's really quiet in between. We are more tempted by crayfish and lobsters than by shrimps at this time of the year. The autumn colours start taking over with the heather in the forefront already in August. For winter bathers there is now plenty of room on steps down to the water while for many it is time for that last dip. Quickly and unexpectedly wonderful.


The restaurants attract with seafood and cosy evenings


Crayfisks, lobsters, oysters and crabs. The gold from the sea is offered after the summer, both on the table and directly into the cage. To eat what the season offers is a delight, to fish oneself is a pleasure. A boat trip with a guide can be arranged if the weather is reasonable.